Guiding Women Stuck In The Rollercoaster Of Emotions So They Can Be Present In Relationships That Matter Most

Freebie ~ 6 Steps To Emotional Mastery Guide

Start to change how you meet stress and challenging emotions in your life TODAY!

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” ~ Rumi

Through the wisdom of traditional Yoga, I hold space and guide women back to their inner wisdom, enabling them to support those they love while staying true to themselves.

The key to meaningful transformation lies within each individual. My focus is on guiding women to embrace self-awareness and self-empowerment. By fostering a positive relationship with themselves, my clients can naturally extend this newfound strength and compassion to others, creating a ripple effect that touches lives at home, in the workplace, and throughout society. We will be a catalyst for a more loving and compassionate world.

I help heart-centered women in midlife to drive constructive change from within, ultimately reshaping their internal world and the world around them.

The changes I help facilitate move women from mindless reactions to conscious responses, stand clearly in the knowledge of their self-worth, and be empowered to understand how to create the life they desire so that they can make a meaningful impact in the world.

I do so with transformational coaching guided by time-proven principles of Yoga laid out in Patanjali Yoga Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita made practical with concrete systems, frameworks, and processes to guide women throughout the rest of life.

What is Samya Yoga Healing and how can we help you?
Samya Yoga Healing was founded by Twyla Gingrich after she began to integrate her western mental health training with principles of Traditional Yoga and found that her clients had deeper, more meaningful, and lasting changes than before.

She specifically works with women in midlife who are ready to be more present, conscious, and peaceful second half of life. Most women have spent the first half of life focused on everyone else, so when big shifts start happening with children leaving home, parents aging, career switches, and intimate relationship changes, feeling lost is common.

What the heart truly desires is to be more fully connected with oneself. All women deserve to stand centered in a trusting and loving relationship with themselves.

I do so by teaching you a completely different perspective on the root causes of your suffering using the 5 obstacles to a peaceful mind:

Avidya – Ignorance of ‘Who I Am’
Asmita – Roles and Identities are misidentified as ‘Who I Am’
Ragas – Attachments and Likes of each role and identity
Dveshas – Aversions and Dislikes of each role and identity
Abhinivesha – Fear of death each role and identity has, as well as the body dying

And using the 3 Cornerstones to Inner-Wellbeing:

Begin Within

Turning mindless reactions into conscious responses you feel good about.

Clarity Within

Learning to listen and gather information within to get clear on decisions and actions to take in your life.

Practice Within

Use your life experiences to cultivate new lifestyle habits so that you welcome every life situation as an opportunity for growth and positive change.
As a result, you build your life around honesty, trust, and compassion, the most important ingredients for a strong foundation in any relationship. The relationship with yourself is the most important relationship in your life. When this inner relationship is solid, you will remain grounded and calm in what happens outside of you, as well as strengthen all other relationships in your life.
You’ve been doing it all your whole life – taking care of others at work and home for family, friends, co-workers… and all of a sudden you feel so tired.

What happened to all of your energy? You’re in the prime of your life and your life seems like too much.

Of course life brings change, but really…why so much now? Maybe your kids are almost grown up and now your parents are struggling more.
Or, you’re in the position you’ve been working so hard to get to at work and now what?

Does your partner have challenges they are dealing with… Possibly how they are dealing with this is negatively affecting you? When can you get a break?
You can’t even remember the last time you did something truly just for yourself.

Underneath it all, there’s always been constant uneasiness and worry. With all the life changes happening, that background noise has gotten so loud. Worry, doubt, and judgment are taking up too much space in your mind and you’re tired of it.

You told yourself you weren’t going to “be like my mother,” yet here you are spending more time worrying and ruminating than enjoying life… just like her.

You want to be present in your life, not just using a nightcap and social media to zone out because your mind is on overload constantly.

If you can relate to any of these scenarios, then you’re NOT ALONE! I can help just as I have done with hundreds of other women.

I know that I am successful when my clients feel confident in meeting whatever life brings far into the future and believe that they know exactly what to do to move towards a more calm and peaceful way of life…

I am very much enjoying and benefiting from this different approach. Twyla is very professional, kind, soft spoken and full of unusual (to me) methods that are both - thought provoking and healing.
Samya Yoga Healing
I am very much enjoying and benefiting from this different approach. Twyla is very professional, kind, soft spoken and full of unusual (to me) methods that are both - thought provoking and healing.
Twyla focuses on making me the best I can be by giving me tools to work on accepting things I cannot change and making changes in my life that I have control over.
Samya Yoga Healing
Twyla focuses on making me the best I can be by giving me tools to work on accepting things I cannot change and making changes in my life that I have control over.
Samya Yoga Healing


Like many women, you may be a master juggler and multi-tasker. You’ve probably been doing it most of your life, not only taking care of other people’s physical and material needs, but also their emotional needs. You’re so good at it, you’ve lost yourself in it. This is what we’ve all been taught – to be ‘good girls’ and make sure others are happy. Otherwise you’re judged as being (dare-I-say) a ‘selfish bitch.’

We don’t end up seeking help until things really suck – issues with health, on the verge of a nervous-breakdown, self-destructive coping affecting how you function, feeling angry, frustrated, and resentful towards those closest to you. Again, we’ve been taught that unless you are bed-ridden, you have to show up and keep the world together for everyone else.

At this point, usually we are trying to pull ourselves up by:

reading self-help books,
going to fitness and wellness classes,
trying a new hobby,
signing up for a whole bunch of quick-fix challenges,
going to the doctor who tries to help with a prescription, and
seeing a therapist for 3… maybe 5 times. Or for years.
The truth is, finding positive mental wellbeing like a calmer mind, living from a compassionate heart, and being present are not things we get after putting in effort for a couple of weeks or a month. There is no such thing as a quick fix. A relaxed, positive mind is a way of life that comes from changing beliefs, patterns, and habits.

My most successful clients come to me knowing there has to be a different way and knowing they want to connect with that loving and compassionate person they’ve had glimpses of…

They just don’t know how to do it. That’s why they turn to me.