I was reading out of a daily meditation book this morning, “Opening Doors Within,” and the last two sentences struck me: “Keep your mind alert and you can never grow old. The fountain of youth is your consciousness; the joy of living is the elixir of life.” In studying Ahimsa, the practice of rooting out even the most subtle thoughts of ‘violence’ or negativity towards ourselves and others is the heart of this practice. I’m reminded of Masuro Emoto’s research on water crystals, specifically the one where he taped “Thank you” to one jar of water and “You fool” to another. What he saw under the microscope highlights the affect of words/thoughts/energy on water. The water crystals for “Thank you” were like a beautiful snowflake. The water crystals for “You fool” had no shape and were just a formless mass. We are made up of 60-70% water, so think of the affect we have on a cellular level on our bodies when we ‘beat ourselves up’ with our words, thoughts, and beliefs. The daily meditation quote is a reminder to me of the utmost importance of practicing an attitude of love and compassion towards ourselves, others and all beings. This is a big part of what keeps us young and enjoying the wonders of each day as the unfold. How lucky we are to be alive and experiencing it all!
This is also a reminder to me that no matter what the external landscape is (fear, anger, negativity), it is our responsibility to find ways to meet it with love and compassion for our own wellbeing and for the energy we put out into the world. We all know what it feels like to have someone’s negative reaction to fly at us or fill a room. We don’t want to add to it! Send that person thoughts of love, healing and peace. Then move on. Don’t get sucked into another person’s darkness as we have enough of our own darkness to manage and shift. Remember, “Begin Within.”
What comes to mind when you read this daily meditation quote?