
Use That Vacation To Find Freedom In Daily Life

Use That Vacation To Find Freedom In Daily Life

What is it about going on vacation? I have heard many women share with me that if they could just bottle up their vacation mind and bring it into their daily life, they'd find the peace and calm they desire. Getting on that plane or pulling away from the driveway can...

Outcomes Focus Doesn’t Lead To Calm

Outcomes Focus Doesn’t Lead To Calm

Focusing on outcomes doesn’t help with long term calm and peace of mind. When Greg and I first moved in together, I was fresh out of graduate school and starting my first job in mental health therapy. I had so much knowledge I was eager to use to help the world! That...

Zone Of Conscious Change

Zone Of Conscious Change

Practicing Yoga, more than anything, keeps me in the zone of conscious change.  Voluntarily, I stepped into the pitch darkness, trusting the sign that told me to “Use your left hand on the wall.” The wall was smooth as my hand gently glided along it while I took small...

Reflect On Reaction

I just had the opportunity to watch the movie ‘Inside Out 2’, which I was eager to see after thoroughly enjoying the first movie. Again, wonderfully done! The themes of hiding memories that are more painful, protecting by trying to control outcomes, and labeling...

The Chain Of Anger – A Yoga Perspective

The Chain Of Anger – A Yoga Perspective

The slippery side of anger is that it tells us we are justified in our reaction. That justification can lead to saying and doing things that normally, most of us, wouldn’t dream of doing otherwise. Where does anger start? REAL WORLD EXAMPLE OF CHAIN OF ANGER Last...

Do You Wish You Had More ‘Me Time’?

Do You Wish You Had More ‘Me Time’?

This week I took a pause when I saw a post by neuroscientist, Dr. Lisa Masconi, showing that across all countries studied, women continue to have much less ‘leisure’ time than men. She labelled this as ‘Me Time.’ I know from working with women for over two decades in...

Gratitude For Challenging Times

Gratitude For Challenging Times

When women practice gratitude, the focus is typically on the present and all we have. It can be powerful to also look back and find gratitude for the challenging times that allowed us to be in the present with all we have. WISHFUL THINKING “Twyla, I wish I had figured...

Controlling The Noisy Mind

It was an unseasonably warm fall day and I had my window open, enjoying the fresh air and sounds of nature. I was facilitating an online group when all the sudden the noise from outside the window increased. This made it harder for me to hear group members as they...

Nourishment For A Peaceful Mind

Nourishment For A Peaceful Mind

A peaceful mind is something most of us desire. Some of us spend a lot of time and energy seeking this through hour long, weekly classes, self-help books and podcasts, and guided relaxation. All of these things are helpful tools. And to find lasting peace takes a...

Managing Uncertainty In Times Of Distress

Managing Uncertainty In Times Of Distress

Managing uncertainty is hard and feels uncomfortable and distressing at times. If you do what has typically been taught to us, trying to control uncertainty, it can make things worse. In fact, I find many mental health professionals, unknowingly, encourage tactics to...


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Get two free videos from Samya Yoga Healing on the power of the breath and five breathing techniques to start using!

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