Yoga, More Than a Physical Practice
I remember coming back to the US in 2012, after living in India for two years, going to a few yoga classes and thinking, “when did handstands become the norm for inversions?” Where I was in India, I didn't see any handstands. I had just finished a 200-hour Yoga...
Living a Heart-centered Life
I just recently read some words that hit home and address the practice of living a heart-centered life instead of a fear-based life. “...Put into practice those words, ‘Resist not evil but overcome evil with good.’ It is easier said than done, but until it is done and...
Letting Go of “I Can’t” and Opening Up to Possibility
I want to tell you about the day I realized 'I can't' was no longer allowed in my life. It's funny. I've spent a lot of time working with people - kids, adolescents, adults - uplifting them and helping them move past 'I can't.' Yet, I didn't' realize how powerful it...
Changing Negative Thinking Though Yoga
Yoga is much more than a class that puts the body through different postures. In its traditional form, Yoga is a spiritual path of self-transformation and self-realization. Part of transformation ourselves relies heavily on transforming the mind. The well-known text,...
Proving Myself…A Pattern to Let Go
I’ve been observing within myself the pattern of ‘proving myself’ for probably close to 20 years. It’s a pattern that was taught to me by my parents. And to them by their parents. I’m sure continues to go back further into my family tree. This is a pattern that I see...
An Important Tool in Regulating Emotions: Self-Awareness
Self-awareness is an important tool in regulating emotions, creating lasting change in our lives, and on the journey of any spiritual path. I see it as a first step and I teach everyone I work with how to do it, as well as what to do with the information that is...
What is Self-Love Really?
What is self-love really? I believe there are many layers to it. But in the end, a lasting state of self-love is more of a state of mind or a state of being. We can buy ourselves things or give ourselves self-care treats or take a vacation - which can all be acts of...
Beating Ourselves Up – 3 Simple Ways to End Negative Self-Talk
“I should have known better. What’s wrong with me? No one else seems to be struggling. Why does everything bad happen to me? I’m stupid/worthless/helpless. That’s never going to happen for me. I’m just not good enough.” Beating ourselves up with harsh, negative words....
Accepting Life As It Is
All I know is the universe wants me to really understand that peace comes from accepting life as it is, finding comfort in uncertainty, and just enjoying each day as it comes. Man, do I fight against this! Now I’ve come a long way, for which I’m grateful for, and I’m...
Why Do We Struggle to Manage Our Emotions?
We all have pressures and stress in our lives that effect our emotions. I know that over this past year, for a lot of us, life’s challenges have felt even more overwhelming at times. Not easy. All you have to do is Google “managing stress during COVID-19” and almost...