The STAY CALM Method
Over the years of working with people to manage emotions more effectively, a specific process emerged for me that is based on the inward tools of Yoga. In fact, for those of you who have heard of the Yoga Sutras, the path that is laid out in this text for...
Pause Comes in Many Forms
One of my personal practices for some time has been to pause. Recently, it feels like the universe has been doubling down on helping me with that intention, though not in the way I’d have planned it. Pausing can happen in many ways. From taking a vacation to stopping...
Focus on Self-Love This February
Moving into February, known as the month to celebrate love, I feel it is more important than ever to focus on Self-love. We have all been through so much in 2020 and we all deserve more love and kindness. This starts with loving ourselves. Without Self-Love, We Become...
Reflecting on Hope
“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” Nelson Mandela I’ve been reflecting on hope this past week with the change of leaders in the United States. Hope can be uplifting and inspiring. It can lead to the most amazing actions. Hope can also lead to...
Attachment Lives in the Mind
“Real detachment is not in letting go of activity but letting go of attachment.” This quote from my teacher, Prasad Ragnekar, has been on my office/ yoga room wall for a couple of years now. I refer to it periodically when meeting individually with people. It’s a...
Mistakes are Learnings
As a human being, I make mistakes. We all do. It’s actually one of the main ways we learn. I have found that changing my perception from mistakes are ‘bad’ and to-be-avoided to the perception that Mistakes-are-Learnings, has made a HUGE difference in my life. If...
Change the Story, Change Your World
“So you know all about me?” asked the boy. “Yes,” said the horse. “And you still love me?” “We love you all the more.” -Charlie Mackesy, “The Boy, The Mole, The Fox, and The Horse” Stories... One of the fascinating things about fear is the stories it weaves, which...
Happiness is Not a Destination, It Is a State of Mind.
Happiness is not a destination, it is a state of mind. It takes practice. I came across Laurie Santos’ work, a Yale Happiness professor, in a Newsweek article recently. She shared about 5 practices that will make you happier: “Get Social, Give Thanks, Be in the...
In This World of Upheaval, Pause to Take Care of Yourself
We have been in this world of upheaval and change of 2020 for ten months. I know that I hit a rough spot around American Thanksgiving and it’s taken two weeks of pausing to take care of myself in order to find my grounding again. It's all about self-care! And it’s...
Your Perspective Creates Your World
The beauty of inversion poses, from a forward fold (uttanasana) and downward dog (adho mukha svanasana) to shoulder stand (salamba sarvangasana) and headstand (sirsasana), are that they put our body in a completely different position than we are typically in - head...