The first Yama – Ahimsa
Yoga is much more than what it has been reduced to here in the West. Usually when we hear the word 'yoga', most people think of the physical postures or asanas. Yoga is thought of as a form of exercise,ways to bend the body, and the more bendy the body is, the...
Reflections on Joy
Earlier this week, after a meditation group, I was filled with joy in getting to see and receive hugs from a number of people I haven't seen in a bit that were coming in for the next yoga class. I felt like I was floating. In thinking about this feeling of joy,...
The Gift of Gratitude
Last night I watched a couple of episodes of "Modern Love," a new Amazon Prime series inspired by essays from a New York Times column with the same title. I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for my long-time partner. I wrote him a text that let him...
Peaceful Mind State Comes From Within
Peaceful is defined by Oxford Dictionaries as "free from disturbance; tranquil" and "not involving war or violence."I've been on the path of transforming my mind to a more peaceful state through a daily practice of yoga, which for me is at minimum sitting in silence...
Find A Minimum Practice
Although I love the season of summer with warmer days, nature in the full swing of life, watching my flowers grow (the hollyhocks out front are about 9 feet tall this year!), and long days, I find myself wearing down from going all the time, trying to fit it all in....
Grateful for Awareness
If you have worked with me as a client, group member, or co-worker, you will know that 'awareness' is at the forefront of my mind. It is the first step in conscious change. It can be a mind-blowing explosion and quick, it can be a subtle process like cleaning a really...
Even hummingbirds take time to pause
I looked out of my back window where we put up a hummingbird feeder this year and I saw a hummingbird sitting on the feeder. It was the first time I had ever seen a hummingbird at rest! Even hummingbirds take time to rest and pause!There are so many...
We all deserve healthy boundaries
One of the topics I come back to for myself and I work on often with people is boundary setting. Most of us grew up in families where healthy boundaries weren't taught, not because our parents did it consciously but because they were also never taught healthy...
Two month reflection
I've been back from my Meditation course in India for two months and wanted to take some time to reflect on my process these past two months. The first week back, I had a clear intention of not taking on anything extra, allowing my time to recoup from travel and...
Part Two: The Exhale
And moving to the next part of the breath...the Exhale.For me, this has been where my practice with the breath has focused. I'm a great inhaler: on the go, full of ideas, and ready to jump in. I have struggled in balancing it with the exhale, which is the...