
And don’t forget to smile!

Man, do we adults take life soooo seriously!  The to do lists, performing well at work, trying to be the "best" at whatever we are doing, making a mistake is the end of the world, worrying about what other think of us.  Argh!  That just makes me heavy...

Moving from Reacting towards Responding to the external world

Moving from a reactive mind state to a responsive mind state has been one of the most powerful shifts in my life.When living mainly in a reactive mind state, my tendency was to hold things in that bothered me in order to avoid conflict. Holding emotions in would build...

3 tips I’ve been reminded of for taking better care of myself

Taking time for myself - whether to doing something I enjoy, sitting and enjoying a cup of tea and looking out the window, taking time to make a delicious meal, or making time to go to appointments for my physical health - has become more and more of a priority for...

Compassionately Responsive – The Necessity of Self-Compassion

Practicing self-compassion, coming back to it over and over again, has been an integral part of my positive change process. I see it as an essential element in coming from a more loving place. In fact, everything that is opposite of compassion is fuel for living from...

Compassionately Responsive Parenting – What are you modeling?

Being Compassionately Responsive requires us to go more inward in order to notice what is going on with our reactions and to notice what we are modeling.  That old saying of "Do what I say, not what I do," is an example of what not to do.  The best thing...

What is Yoga-based Counseling?

My private practice, Samya Yoga Healing, provides yoga-based counseling services.  The number one question I get is, "What is yoga-based counseling?"  I hope to explain it with this blog.  Feel free to email me with any questions at...

Gratitude for my time with Middle Schoolers

The past two weeks, I have been spending time with middle schoolers in breathing and meditation classes I'm offering and some classes at a local middle school teaching tools for stress management.  As usual, those who I work with, whether adults or...

Treat Yourself as a Best Friend

Within my own thoughts and listening to what others have shared about their own thoughts, it's apparent that we are our own worst enemy. Negative self-talk keeps us stuck in the mire of worthlessness, "not good enough," and allows fear to...

Energy Flows Where Awareness Goes

In light of a recent death of a 12-year-old by suicide in my rural, mountain community and the recent school shootings in Florida, the topic of fear is on the forefront of my mind.  The U.S. has evolved into a fear-based, take-no-responsibility culture and what...


Start taking control of your mind with a tool you already possess!

Get two free videos from Samya Yoga Healing on the power of the breath and five breathing techniques to start using!

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