A morning reminder
I was reading out of a daily meditation book this morning, "Opening Doors Within," and the last two sentences struck me: "Keep your mind alert and you can never grow old. The fountain of youth is your consciousness; the joy of living is the elixir of...
The Process of Change
I have been talking about the process of change often as of late. Usually when I find myself talking about a topic often, it is a sign that it's something I need to remind myself of and there is a collective need for it.Change is inevitable. It's one of...
Setting an intention for the new year
The new year is fast approaching and the time to set a New Year's Resolution is here. I propose something a little different, more in line with a yoga mindset of compassion...setting an intention.A resolution, at least the way it seems to be done, is to say,...
Abundance versus Fear
The theme of abundance versus fear has been an area of focus this past year in my life through my study of the Yamas and Niyamas. The Yama of Brahmacharya or Nonexcess speaks to this. We live in a culture where most things are done in excess in order to...
The practice of yoga is available at any moment
As I am working on expanding services that Samya Yoga Healing offers, I'm reminded constantly how every moment is a learning and opportunity to move past limiting patterns, which is the heart of yoga.I would describe myself as having a tendency towards being an...
The Practice of Gratitude
It's November again and, in the US, this month represents giving thanks and gratitude with the holiday of Thanksgiving Day at the end of the month. Gratitude, to me, represents a practice that goes beyond a day or a month in the year. In our modern world,...
We all deserve boundaries
Over the past few months, I have been talking often about boundaries with people I work with, friends, and family. The roll boundaries play in our relationships with others and ourselves is an important one, especially for our personal growth. Many times...
Embracing emotions
I have been talking about emotions and embracing them often in my work, so I wanted to pass it on.We all have emotions. What are they? They are part of our physiological reactions to stimuli outside and inside of us. They are more related to sensory...
Life and death
As I was going for a peaceful morning walk around my neighborhood this morning, I suddenly had emotions well up, tears coming forth. This happens more and more often as I slow down and just notice the world around me. In this moment, I was struck by the...
The Cows Are Back
On my drive to work, I've gotten in the habit of really taking in the beauty of where I live to practice gratitude. I've developed some "friends" that I regularly see. A raven that has a certain morning breakfast spot, a large bird of prey who perches a...