In order to master any behavior, it takes practice. Whether it takes “10,000 hours” as stated in Malcolm Gladwell’s book “Outliers: The Story of Success,” or just simply commitment and dedication over a long period of time, practice is the key to mastery. But, when it comes to mastering emotional regulation or behavior change, the message seems to be ‘once I’m aware of it, I should be doing it differently.’ Practice is also key to creating lasting change in behavior. Change requires an action – practice.


Woman sitting in meditation

Photo by Marcus Aurelius, Pexels

Think about this as a process in becoming a master of yourself. How many hours a day are you spending being present and aware of yourself?

Most of us do the opposite…doing absolutely whatever else in the world possible except being with ourselves Yet then we ‘beat ourselves up’ for not being able to manage our reactions effectively. How can we expect something to happen that’s never been practiced?


In Yoga, sadhana (spiritual practice) is the MOST important action to take on a daily basis. Sadhana is a stand alone time to begin cultivating a relationship with one’s self. This self-understanding helps to unlearn limiting patterns and beliefs. Then, over time, connecting more and more to True Self.

As householders, we are all juggling many roles throughout the day and we get lost in them. Those roles give us excuses not to stop and be with ourselves. But, if you’re wanting to find more peace of mind, feel more content, more confident and live your best life…you have to start making a different choice.

You must start to take time each day for yourself.


hands playing the piano

Photo by Caleb Oquendo, Pexels

It is better to start by taking 5 minutes a day than finding time once a month for an hour. Practice – over time, with consistency – is the key, not quantity. Small steps add up. 

If a master pianist only practiced 5 hours, once a week, versus 1 hour a day every day, most likely that consistency will get them further. Ray Charles reported that he always played scales every day, no matter what. The basic practices are the foundation to mastery.


If you are wanting to become a master of yourself and your reactions, then start right now. Think of it as an “innercise.” (A term I learned from Kristine Weber). Every day, you need innercise. 

Author sitting cross-legged and noticing the breathIt truly can be as simple as starting with taking 5 minutes a day to sit and notice your breath. Notice the breath coming in and the breath leaving. Notice the sensations in the body. The mind wanders so bring it back and notice the breath again. If you want to consciously slow down the exhale for something a little more for the mind to focus on, go for it.

5 minutes each day. There’s literally very few days you can’t do five minutes.

It’s your choice. Move from desire to taking action towards a more calm and peaceful you.
