My first visit to India was in the winter of 2002. It had been a dream of mine to go there since 1997 and I finally made it happen. (I finally had the courage to make it happen). I went by myself, much to my mother’s chagrin, and had an amazing experience that whet my appetite for more. When I was in Varanasi, one of India’s most holy cities, I took a few private Yoga classes with a student studying Yoga at Banaras University. Little did I know, I was signing up for a lesson in Traditional Yoga, not just yoga poses.
He introduced me to Raja Yoga and to the Yamas and Niyamas. Yes, we did some Yoga asana (poses), but the majority of what he taught me was Yoga philosophy based on Patanjali Yoga Sutras. I had never heard of the Yoga Sutras before and it would be years before I really understood what he was actually teaching me. I definitely hadn’t realized there was anything called Yoga philosophy!
Now, using principles and teachings from Traditional Yoga is where I spend most of my time studying and exploring Yoga as a way of life.
The Yamas and Niyamas, there are 5 of each, give guidelines for how to live a more spiritually-based, inward reflecting life. You see, finding lasting calm and peace in your life won’t just happen through a weekly class or taking a week long ‘reset’ retreat. Those are wonderful activities, but rarely do they create the lifestyle of calm most of us desire…but have no idea how to find.
The Yamas and Niyamas are the starting point.
Mahatma Gandhi lived his life practicing the first Yama, Ahimsa, which means non-harm or non-violence. This principle was his guide and led him to helping an entire nation to find freedom from colonization. These principles are powerful practices and can transform our mind, life, and the world around us.
Twice a year, I lead an 8-week Sangha (spiritual group) to explore and practice the Yamas and Niyamas. It is a commitment, especially not knowing what the Yamas and Niyamas are really all about.
So, I have a free introduction experience called the “10-Day Journey Through the Yamas and Niyamas,” which starts soon – the 14th of August 2023. If you’re curious about traditional Yoga and Yoga as a lifestyle rather than just a weekly wellness class, I’d love for you to join.
Each day you will receive a 7-10 minute video introducing one of the ethical principles and a short practice. Who knows, it might just be the catalyst for the change you desire in your life!
True calm and contentment are closer than you know…