There are so many examples of pausing all around us. The thing is, we need to pause in order to notice them. Now that it’s summer, the heat of the day is the time when so many insects, birds, animals take pause and rest. My husband and I were reminded this past weekend why we like to get outside in the morning and then relax in the afternoon in the summer as we sweated buckets in the heat of the day while hiking a favorite trail.
The more subtle practices of yoga like pranayama and meditation are a perfect way to give time to pause and just notice what is going on with ourselves. There is a natural pause at the top of the inhale, then again at the bottom of the exhale that can only be noticed when we are sitting still.
Taking time to pause, whether a few minutes during the day or for multiple days of silence…or even
just turning off the phone for a few hours, does wonders to calm our nervous system, slow down, and enjoy the present moment. It helps to help us discern what really is important and what can be let go. It is in the pause where true learning and reflection happen.
Work in pause breaks each day to take care of your body, mind, and spirit. You deserve it! Whatever is on the ‘To Do’ list can wait.