Girl giving a presentCan giving gifts be a practice of Yoga? Yes! Gift giving is such a huge part of the December holiday season in the western world. Over the past several years, I’ve reflected more on this tradition. I know in both my family and my husband’s family, everyone has more than they need. It can feel more stressful to find what to get each other because what do you get someone who already has everything and more? Decrease the stress of gift giving by becoming more intentional.

I have become increasingly aware about the impact that gift giving has on the already challenged environment of this earth. Packaging that things come in, packaging to wrap gifts and packaging to send gifts. As someone who loves being outdoors and cares about the devastation happening towards our planet, I question even more the excessive gift giving this time of year.

Bringing in the Yamas and Niyamas

These reflections bring me back to the Yamas and Niyamas, ethical principles of Yoga. Ahimsa (non-harming), Asteya (non-stealing), Aparigraha (non-possession), and Satya (Truthfulness) come specifically to mind. These are principles I work towards each day, so when I reflect on gift giving during the holidays and see how much stress it causes people, how much it steals from the environment, steals from mental well being, and continues to foster expectations that might not be beneficial, this causes me to pause and get honest with myself. How can I be more intentional about gifts this year?

One question I think is important to address is what is a gift? I know for many people, it’s about spending money and giving something materially. But, do we have to limit ourselves to this definition? 

Person holding a donate boxIf you are doing fine financially and those you give gifts to are also doing well, what about giving to organizations who are working with those who are more in need? This is what myself and my husband have committed to doing for the adults in our families. Not only is there no packaging waste, spending money towards a greater good is a practice of both Ahimsa (non-harming) and Aparigraha (non-possession).

Instead of giving something material, maybe think about giving an experience. We did this last year for my nephew’s 10th birthday. We took him and his parents canyoneering in Utah. He loved it.  It was wonderful to spend time with him and get to share something we love to do Man and woman walking in a park with yoga mats sharing an experiencewith him. Those memories and bonding time will last longer than any ‘thing’ we could give him.

Or, maybe the gift of experience is towards self-growth and self-care.

What’s Your Intention?

Another question to ask is ‘why am I giving a gift?’ Connecting to your intention for gift giving can help to guide you in what and how you give. Is it to show someone you love and care about them? Is it to show gratitude? If you’re feeling like, “it’s because of tradition and I have to,” then stop, get honest with yourself (Satya) and connect to an intention that makes your heart sing.

I had one of my friends share a tradition they’ve started for their children’s’ birthdays. Instead of having kids bring birthday gifts for their daughters, which can be stressful for some kids, bring a present that will be donated to an organization working with children who are in need. And it’s okay not to bring anything. Just coming to celebrate and join in the fun is ‘gift’ enough for their girls.

Having just completed the Samya Yoga Healing yearly Gratitude Challenge, a ‘gift’ to me is something that truly comes from the heart.  Just writing someone a letter and sending a photo can be a treasured gift and brighten someone from the inside out.  

Giving Gifts as a Yogic Practice

To give gifts from a more Yogic practice:

  • Pause and find your intention for giving a gift.
  • How can you give a gift that reduces harm to our planet?
  • Tune into yourself, if you are feeling obligated or stressed about giving gifts, take pause and be honest with yourself.  Find a way to give from the heart or think about skipping giving gifts.
  • Yoga is all about letting go of limiting patterns, so is there a new way you’d like to give this year? 
  • Redefine your definition of ‘gift.’

To practice this myself, I want to show my gratitude towards all of those who have worked with me this past year, to those who are working towards self-understanding, and to those who have a desire for change. A gift to yourself or to someone you love:

  • The Samya Yoga Healing “4-week, Learn to Meditate Course,” is $20 off from December 1st – December 19th.
  • The Samya Yoga Healing “Identify the Root Cause of Suffering” Course is $30 off from December 1st – December 19th.
