I want to tell you about the day I realized ‘I can’t’ was no longer allowed in my life.
It’s funny. I’ve spent a lot of time working with people – kids, adolescents, adults – uplifting them and helping them move past ‘I can’t.’ Yet, I didn’t’ realize how powerful it was in my life until August 2014.
I was in Dryden, Ontario, a rural logging community about 2 hours north of the US-Canada border from International Falls, MN. The air was starting to turn more crisp and the trees just starting to make their turn into the beautiful yellows, oranges and red of fall. I was there taking a workshop from my teacher, Prasad Rangnekar.
One of his students and a dear friend, lives in Dryden and has created a beautiful yoga community there. I always enjoy traveling there to be with the open and friendly yoga sangha (spiritual community) that thrives in Dryden.
I had finished my first yoga teacher training with Prasad in 2012, at the end of my time living in India. My friend, who was in that training with me, was telling me about the second yoga teacher training she did with Prasad a few months ago in March. A year ago, I had been invited to join that training but declined.
“I can’t,” was my reply. I couldn’t see how I’d be able to take the time off work or afford to go back to India for the training.
Now, here I was a year later, and Prasad invited me again to the next yoga teacher training. My friend encouraged me to go as well. “I just don’t know how I can,” I stated. My head was saying, “I can’t,” while my heart was saying, “YES!”
Who’s Saying, “I can’t?”
When I returned home to Colorado, I just kept thinking about it. All of the sudden an inner voice stated, “Who is saying ‘I can’t’?” I reflected on this and realized, no one but me was saying, ‘I can’t.’
Then I thought…what have I got to lose? So I went to my supervisor the next day and told her about the training. She was supportive and said, “We’ll make it work.” I was blown away…really?!
Next, I took a look at plane tickets and they were close to $1000 less than the year prior. I could make the trip work financially.
Finally, I approached my spouse about it. He was not excited about it. We talked about what I’d have to give up going to India for the course. In the end, he stated, “It’s your choice.”
I moved from ‘I can’t’ and the fears that created all the excuses to ‘Let’s see what happens’ and explored the possibilities.
That shift made all the difference
I went to India, completed my second teacher training, and the seed was planted to create Samya Yoga Healing. That one decision, saying “YES!” to possibilities, curiosity, listening to my heart, and seeing if those fears were true, literally change my life.
I would not be writing this blog if I had listened to ‘I can’t.’
My question to you is: Where is ‘I can’t’ limiting you? Let’s change that! Start saying ‘YES!’ to possibilities and yourself.
Join me September 19th-23rd, 2021 for a 5-Day retreat: “SAY ‘YES’ TO YOURSELF! Learn Tools to Create a Confident, Balanced and Joyful Life.” Learn more!