I just recently read some words that hit home and address the practice of living a heart-centered life instead of a fear-based life.

“…Put into practice those words, ‘Resist not evil but overcome evil with good.’ It is easier said than done, but until it is done and lived, there cannot be peace and goodwill to all humanity. These words have been heard, read, and preached down the ages, but they have not been lived; that is why there are wars, destruction, evil, and hatred in the world. It will go on until humanity learns to live a life and not just talk about it, learns to make these wonderful words live and vibrate in everyday life.” – Eileen Caddy, “Opening Doors Within

The truth of these words, just writing them down sends shivers across my body.


Woman desperately clinging to a rock out of fearIt is so easy to look at others, judge them, and say what they ‘should’ do. Our minds do this as a way to separate ourselves and feel more safe and secure. Yet, the very fact that we have a reaction means that something about the ‘other’ reminds us of something in ourselves. Usually something we are avoiding.

When we stay in reaction and judgement, it can actually fuel feeling powerless, overwhelmed, and resentful.  I don’t know about you, but that’s not a great place to be.

Yet, if we try to live each day to find the ‘good,’ that starts to challenge us to go beyond reactions. It is a reminder to hold ourselves accountable and expand perspective to explore other ways to look at a situation. Practicing this also helps to accept what is happening in a given situation. Why is this important? When we accept what is actually happening, we can take action appropriately to get our needs met. When we fight the reality of what is happening, we stay stuck.


The ‘evil’ that this quote mentions, to me, is when we are stuck in limiting thinking such as blame, wishful-thinking, ‘shoulds,’ only seeing negative, or other cognitive distortions. Inherently, according to Yoga philosophy and scriptures, we are all divine, spiritual beings trying to connect back to our True Nature. If we are struggling or encounter others who are struggling, reminding ourselves that we are all inherently the same, can help to move more to compassion. 

Playful photo of woman in tree pose between two rocksYou can still keep appropriate boundaries, even if you are coming from a place of compassion. This just means that we acknowledge we’ve been in that same place at some point and can identify what that person’s struggle might be. It’s still okay to say, “No,” or be clear on what we are or aren’t willing to do.


‘Good’ in this quote, to me, means coming from a place of compassion, empathy, and knowing. It means striving to live from the 5 Yamas and 5 Niyamas (ethical practices of Yoga), starting with the intention of Ahimsa or Non-harming. It’s practicing treating others as divine beings, as well as ourselves. Notice I use the word ‘practice,’ since that’s where we are at, just using each day we are alive to practice becoming the human we long to be.
