hands holding a glass candle with three other candles burning in the background with reflections on a window

Photo by Rebecca Peterson-Hall on Unsplash

This is quite an amazing week! It started off with the beginning of Hanukkah, moved to the longest night of the year with Winter Solstice, then the new moon, Christmas, and Kwanzaa.  All of these celebrations and transitions hold the space of moving from darkness to light. All paths of spirituality that are rooted in connecting to the light within to move past our dark, limiting patterns, encourage us to live from a place of love and compassion.

If your spiritual practice or path isn’t leading you, over time, to expanding and living more from love, it’s time to stop and reflect. What is happening that is keeping you stuck in judgment and negativity?  What action or practice do you need to incorporate into daily life to move away from limiting beliefs that cause suffering?


woman sitting in meditation, hands together at heart as it's snowing and the sun is setting

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Today is the Winter Solstice! The longest night of the year. Growing up in Anchorage, Alaska, this was an important day. Around this time, we gathered with friends to eat, play, make and listen to music, and enjoy connection to each other. The darkness can be engulfing if we aren’t careful. Maybe you’ve been feeling this? The thing to remember is that it won’t last. What are the things that bring light into your life? Reach out and connect with these things.

Connecting with others and with ourselves is important. I invite you to do a reflection tonight and intentionally move into the light tomorrow, as well as the year to come.


Reflect on Darkness:

  • What thoughts and emotions keep you stuck?
  • What are the words that come to your mind when you are judging and feeling self-doubt?
  • What is a habit or pattern that you are ready to change because it’s holding you back from connecting to the amazing being you truly are?


Reflect on Light:

  • What are you doing when you feel joy, wonder, and gratitude?
  • What are some words to describe what you’d like to invite more into your life or how you’d like to show up in your life more?
  • Who are the people that bring light into your life?


blank journal with pen, candle, hot tea and flowers, ready for inspiration

Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash

Grab two sheets of paper. On the first, write down one word or phrase from the darkness reflection that you want to commit to letting go of this coming year. On the second sheet, write down a word or phrase on where you’d like to focus energy to cultivate in your life in 2023.

Burn the first sheet. Watch the fire burn that limitation. To truly let this pattern go, you will have to be in the ‘heat’ of it in order to do it differently.

On the second sheet, with the word or phrase you wrote down, create an “I” statement. For example, if my word was honesty: ‘I am completely honest with myself’ or ‘I live honestly.’ Something short and to the point. It will not feel 100% true because this is where you want to go, not where you’re at now. 


Keep this phrase with you. Put it up where you can see it all year. Repeat it over and over and over to yourself each day over the next year. Let this be your guide towards the light within. Let it guide you during challenging situations in the coming year.

Live with this intention.

May you embrace the darkness for it is what leads us towards the light.


“The pine stays green in winter… wisdom in hardship.” — Norman Douglas

evergreen trees against a cold, white winter background

Photo by Ian Keefe on Unsplash