In 2014, I was at a workshop with my teacher, Prasad Rangnekar. He just invited me, for the second time, to the next Yoga Teacher Training course in India. He invited me the previous year but I declined due to work obligations. With this second invite, I told him I would love to join but I just didn’t see how I could get the time off work. “Think about it,” was his response.
On the plane ride home, I thought about it and kept hearing, ‘I can’t…I just can’t.” Then a voice in my head asked, “Who’s saying, ‘I can’t?’” Huh, that was a good question. It was only me saying that because I hadn’t asked anyone else or explored the option. So, I decided to test the ‘I can’t’ and see if it was really true.
How many times have you told yourself ‘I can’t’ and a list of excuses, but really it was just a story in your head? It’s what you assumed might happen but actually hadn’t happened. I can honestly say this used to be a daily occurrence for me, usually the words of self-doubt or judgment. I have learned to ALWAYS, yes, always, question my stories of assumptions.
Stories of assumptions are thoughts about the future. The future hasn’t happened, right, so there’s no possible way to be 100% true that your assumptions will be correct until the future becomes the present. Plus, when we put energy into a story, it’s also more likely to become true. Are the stories you tell yourself the ones you want to be true??
In order to question stories of assumption, you have to start becoming aware of your thoughts and your reactions. We can’t change anything we aren’t aware of. Instead of trying to get away from those uncomfortable emotions and thoughts, it’s time to start paying attention to them and listen.
-What are the thoughts happening when you’re feeling anxious/angry/worried/(fill in an emotion)?
-Are any of these thoughts future stories that haven’t happened?
-What would you actually like to happen and what actions can you start taking to put energy into that story instead?
The Monday after I got back from that Yoga workshop, I started to question ‘I can’t’ by meeting with my supervisor. She was supportive and excited. “We’ll make it work,” was her answer. Then I looked at airline tickets and the prices were the lowest they’d been in sometime, totally doable. Finally, I talked with my partner and he had some questions, then let me know it was my decision.
I went to India six months later! And it was a life changing experience for me.
“I can’t” was not true at all, it was just a story in my head.
Question your story.