When I was living in India, I was filled with words, descriptions, images that wanted to flow out on the paper.  I blogged, I kept a small journal to write things down when travelling and my mind was thinking like I was writing. 
Upon returning to the US, I started back with a busy work schedule with my focus on helping others, the writing flow started to slow down from a raging river to a trickle at best.  I’m not sure why.  When I was in India, there was so much newness, awe, and discovery.  I kept myself busy but my mind was less focused.  Now, I find my mind wanders constantly to my clients and things that I might help them with on their self-development journey.  Even when sitting in meditation this will happen or when I’m out enjoying myself.  I’m starting to catch this more and allow myself to let go of the thought, but I wonder how this preoccupation has been part of the obstacle for the flow of writing. 
It’s most likely one of those things that when we feel good, everything flows and when there are struggles, it takes more effort.  When I didn’t have a 40 hour a week job to fill my time, I had more attention to be inspired by the newness in my surroundings.  Now I’m in my culture, focused on a job to help pay the bills (though it’s also one I enjoy), and it does take more effort to sit down and allow myself the time to write.
I wonder if I were to give myself a 40 day challenge of writing three sentences a day, how that might allow time for me to create space for this in my life again…
Since I’ve written this today, I guess I’ve started.  Here we go, 40 days of writing (other than the tedious part of my job…paperwork.  Hmmmm, maybe that’s also contributed to the drying up of an urge to write in a more creative manner).

Here’s to 40 day challenges!!