Yoga students sitting in a semi-circle in front of their teacherTraditionally, the knowledge of Yoga was passed down from teacher to student. Many times a teacher would have multiple students who would be gathered to hear a teaching together. This is called a Sangha. So, traditionally, a Yoga community is a an important ingredient in the recipe of Self-transformation. This is due to the transitory nature of the mind. 


What is the nature of the mind? Well, the mind:

  • Is easily distracted. (I think about the dog character in the movie, “UP.” He’d be talking and when he’d get a whiff of a scent, his mind would react, “Squirrel!”)
  • Wanders. It goes all over in the space of a minute. To the past, to the future, round and round.
  • Is sneaky. It doesn’t want to do things outside of its comfort zone and sounds the alarm if something feels ‘different’ or ‘not right,’ even if you’re just learning something new.
  • Tries to find control. It dislikes uncertainty. Yet, uncertainty is the nature of everything. So it will use its thinking to try to find control – worry, escape, avoid, fantasize, etc.
  • Has the potential to focus, concentrate, meditate, and transform. This takes practice. Lots of it.

Because of all of this, if you are trying to transform your mind, it’s going to need A LOT of reminders. I mean probably 100 times more than you think.


Being a part of a sangha is one of those tools to keep the mind inspired and motivated. It helps remind the mind you are not alone and what you are experiencing is completely normal. It supports you when self-doubt and self-judgment come crashing over you. Because you have a mind and you are human, you would benefit from a community.

Three women Yoga students dressed in white for a ceremony smiling and looking rightThe ironic thing is that our modern society has conditioned many of us to avoid deep, social interactions. This leaves a person feeling lonely, fearful, and disconnected. But, being human means we are wired to seek out a sense of belonging and connection. 

If you’ve awakened to the realization that you want more out of life than what the material world can offer…

Or maybe you have a strong desire for peace of mind and love the moments you feel connected to something greater than yourself…

Or you simply are questioning, “Who am I? What’s the point of all of this?” Then a sangha is important.

A sangha is not just ‘community’ but a community that is focused on spiritual development. It’s a group of like-minded people who are also interested in pursuits of the spirit. If this is you, then finding your community is important.


The author with two other female yoga students at the Yamuna River in IndiaYou might find that your heart is saying, “yes, I need this,” and the head is like, “wait, put myself out there?? Are you crazy? What if something happens? What if…” I get it and this is exactly the point of a sangha, to get you out of your comfort zone and connect, share, listen, and learn.

How does one go about finding a sangha? Great question…


Start by answering some of these questions:

  • Who inspires me?
  • Where do I ‘light up?’ Or with whom?
  • What are some of my spiritual interests, i.e. what is/are the spiritual paths or teachers you are drawn to?

Let some of your answers lead you to explore if there are some communities around some of the people or spiritual paths that interest you.

My sangha came from my Yoga teacher. I attended classes with him 1-2 times a week for a period of nine months. I enjoyed talking with him and enjoyed interactions with fellow students. Then I was invited to join a Yoga Teacher Training with him. I have been connected with the sangha around my teacher ever since then.


This author's Yoga teacher giving a lesson with students gathered around him in the forest in Southern IndiaHow to engage with a sangha?

Once you’ve found a sangha that you’d like to connect with and see how it goes, dive in! 

Get involved by asking questions, attending events, talks, or whatever the sangha offers. Give it your all and see what happens. Use this as an opportunity to stretch your comfort zone of isolating, being a wallflower, or only listening.

Feel free to join the Samya Yoga Healing Sangha by ‘following’ the FB Page, joining the private Yoga for the Mind FB Group, or consider joining one of the online offerings when they pop-up.

You deserve love and support!
