Happy Lunar New Year!

My first encounter with anything having to do with the lunar new year were the paper place mats at Chinese restaurants growing up. They would show the 12 zodiac animals of Chinese astrology, which is based on a lunar calendar. My childhood best friend was Chinese and I had a brief introduction to Chinese New Year through time with her family. They celebrated the lunar new year with specific foods and time with family.


In South Korea,  the lunar year is celebrated over three days with a number of rituals, ceremonies, food, and time around family. I’ve been asking my Korean friends how they celebrate. They all talked about what ‘used to be done’ and that things are changing to a ‘less strict’ celebration in which food and meals seem to be a focal point.

The zodiac astrology that coincides with the lunar new year has its roots in China and is recognized in South Korea, though there it is called “Korean New Year.” Every Buddhist temple that we’ve visited so far in South Korea, somewhere, has the 12 animals affiliated with each year depicted in statues or paintings.


Full disclosure – I’m pretty excited about this year since I was born in a year of the snake. 2025’s snake is known as the blue snake in South Korea and the wood/fire snake in China. I don’t know about you, but I wondered what is the meaning or significance of the Year of the Snake and this blue, wood/fire snake. 

a drawing of blue snake design for the 2025 lunar new year

Photo From Korean Herald

 A little bit of what I found:

1. “The snake has long been recognized as a mysterious and multilayered being. It carries various symbols; sometimes as a symbol of wisdom, as a guardian deity and sometimes as an incarnation of regeneration and transformation.” https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/culture/2025/01/135_389465.html

2. The Blue snake is known for its wisdom and Insight, change and innovation, and patience and resilience. https://m.koreaherald.com/article/10380834

3. In Japan, snakes are believed to be messengers of Benzaiten – a Buddhist guardian deity and one of the Seven Lucky Gods. She is worshipped as a goddess of the arts, wisdom, love, wealth and fortune. https://kyoto.travel/en/see-and-do/snake_year.html

4. “The Year of the Wood Snake, emphasizing adaptability, diversity, and lateral growth”; “Yin Wood is about fostering quiet strength, subtle adjustments, and careful planning, making it a year to focus on refining rather than overhauling.” https://www.tatlerasia.com/lifestyle/others/2025-year-of-the-wood-snake

With this fun data, what does the essence of this snake year invite us to explore?


There is upheaval in the world politically, environmentally, and psychologically. Thinking about all of it is enough to send a human mind into overwhelm. ‘What can I do?!’

What I love about Eastern spiritual stories and symbology is the invitation it gives us to pause and reflect inward. How can I cultivate these characteristics of:

  • Wisdom 
  • Innovation or creativity in change
  • The skill of quiet strength to fine tune versus the urge of big swings
woman with cupped hands holding light representing her inner wisdom

Photo by Matheus Bertelli on Pexels

 As human beings, we have many amazing inner resources available but most of us have been conditioned to ignore, avoid, and fight ourselves in the name of self doubt, judgement, and shame.

Snakes shed their skins to grow and become the next version of themselves.  This year, 2025, invites us to use our wisdom, move intentionally and with steady focus, so that we may shed what keeps us from being our present self.


There’s a lot of ‘lucky and unlucky’ predictions with Chinese and Korea zodiac astrology. This is where I prefer the Yogic lens that there are no good or bad experiences.  All experiences are there for us to learn and grow. Some experiences will feel good and others not so much. But one is not better than the other. 

Change is a part of the material world. This is a fact. When we attach meaning to change as unlucky or lucky, it keeps us from accepting this truth. I have found the more I accept what ‘is’ or the present, the actions I take are much more clear and precise because I’m facing the reality of now. 

Actions taken from fighting change end up creating more pain and misery.


In Chinese culture, the Snake represents fertility, wisdom, and good fortune. It also represents cunning, threat, and terror. It has the potential of both sides – positive and negative – just like each of us possess within ourselves. The more we know and understand our mind, the more choices available to us. Our choice lies in the traits we put energy into and use to meet life situations.

Are your intentions and actions contributing to the world you desire to live in or are you feeding the fear of what you don’t want? 

I ask you to take an honest examination of yourself so you know where you are currently investing your time and energy…so that you can understand where to put your energy for conscious change going forward.

Happy Lunar New Year!



P.S. If your personal goals are around letting go anxiety to find your voice, strengthen relationships, and move through conflict confidently, I may be able to support you. Let’s chat! Feel free to book a Connection Call with me.