As a dedicated student of Yoga as a spiritual path towards Self-realization, Valentine’s Day is a reminder of the unconditional self-love I am moving towards. Over the past decade, as I have realized more and more my inherent self-worth, contentment and peace of mind have increased. Because of this, I now love and cherish time with myself in my daily sadhana. I enjoy getting to know myself, redirect reactions with compassion, and through self-study, deepen my relationship with myself.  All of this has allowed me to show up in all other relationships with more presence and love.

Yoga is a path towards Self-Love.


Woman sitting cross-legged, eyes closed in reflection on a platform surrounded by forestIt’s not about showering ourselves with gifts and accolades. It’s about developing a deep, meaningful relationship with ourselves. Because focusing on external gifts and accolades keeps us surface. It’s not lasting. Focusing on the internal creates a change in our state of mind – from fear to love.

Most children just want to be seen, heard, and loved by their parents. Money is not a substitute for devoted time.  I can’t tell you how many times over the years I’ve heard adults share that they would have given up all luxuries to have had their parents undivided attention and time. All we want as human beings is to be loved and belong. Love is about connection, not material items.

The same goes for self-love.


I read an interpretation of Patanjali Yoga Sutra II.44 that made me immediately think of self-love: Study thyself, Discover the Divine.

woman with palm of hand cradling the sun at sunset overlooking the oceanTo me, ‘divine’ is a state of pure love. This interpretation means to me that the more one spends time getting to know, understand, and be with the self, the more one is led to the pure love within. 

Love in essence is not an emotion or a state, it is being. Pure love is connecting with the divine being you already are..

In order to get there, we have to spend time with ourselves, learning and observing ourselves. This is called Svadhaya, Self-study. There’s no mistake that also in Patnajali Yoga Sutras 2.1, it is said that the practice of Kriya Yoga – Tapas (self-discipline), Svadhaya (Self-Study with scriptures), and Isvara Pranidhana (surrender to the Divine) – leads directly to Samadhi (Self-Realization).  

You can’t Self-Realize if you don’t start to study yourself, right?

Although Asana (poses) are a tool to cultivate self-awareness, it is only when we spend consistent, quiet and reflection time with ourselves that we can truly unite with the divine within.


So, my questions to you in this proclaimed week of love:

  • How much quality time do you spend with yourself?
  • Can you look in the mirror and say you truly love the person looking back at you?
  • What is it worth to you to feel more contentment, confidence and clarity?
  • Are you one of your best friends?

Take the information from these questions and ask yourself what is ONE action you can start to take that will lead you towards proclaiming “Yes! I love myself.”

May you find self-love today and every day. 💗


Woman standing outside looking out over mountains with arms outstretched in joyAre you a woman in the ‘helping professions? Feeling lost, stuck, or distressed as you face major life changes? Do you have a strong desire and knowing that it’s time to invest in yourself to become free and move towards a more calm and confident mind state?

Learn about my surprising 3-Step method to create the emotional breakthrough you’re longing for and make the best decisions for the next phase of life.