Gratitude For Challenging Times
When women practice gratitude, the focus is typically on the present and all we have. It can be powerful to also look back and find gratitude for the challenging times that allowed us to be in the present with all we have. WISHFUL THINKING “Twyla, I wish I had figured...
Controlling The Noisy Mind
It was an unseasonably warm fall day and I had my window open, enjoying the fresh air and sounds of nature. I was facilitating an online group when all the sudden the noise from outside the window increased. This made it harder for me to hear group members as they...
Nourishment For A Peaceful Mind
A peaceful mind is something most of us desire. Some of us spend a lot of time and energy seeking this through hour long, weekly classes, self-help books and podcasts, and guided relaxation. All of these things are helpful tools. And to find lasting peace takes a...
Managing Uncertainty In Times Of Distress
Managing uncertainty is hard and feels uncomfortable and distressing at times. If you do what has typically been taught to us, trying to control uncertainty, it can make things worse. In fact, I find many mental health professionals, unknowingly, encourage tactics to...
Exploring Choice Calms The Mind
Calming the mind doesn’t require more tools. In fact, if you never learned about another tool in your life, you can still effectively calm the mind. That’s because calming the mind requires having more choices, not more tools. LOCATION DOESN'T EQUAL CALM AND HAPPY I...
Karma Yoga Creates A Calm Mind
I remember when growing up, my mom would say to my brother, “If you just did the dishes instead of arguing with me about it, they’d be done.” Our minds are exactly like this. If there’s something that must be done, our minds make excuses, put things off, and do...
Catalyst To An Amazing Love Story
I had no idea that walking into a spare classroom at the American School of Bombay to attend a Yoga class for staff members would be the catalyst to an amazing love story. THE GREAT ESCAPE PLAN About a year and a half before that day, I had a great idea: Greg and I...
‘Wrong’ Self-Care Practices
LOL Okay, okay. There aren’t any ‘wrong’ self-care practices. But, there are those that are more effective and longer lasting than others. And your definition of self-care might also be keeping you stuck. EXTERNAL SELF-CARE Exercise has long been something I’ve...
Are Your Beliefs Keeping You Stuck?
Do you find yourself stressed, upset, and reactive often? It just might be your perception of the situation that is causing this. Underneath our perception usually lies a belief in how we think things should go. Often in the form of what you judge to be ‘right’ or...
What Are You Planting In Your Mind?
The mind is like a garden. What are you planting in your mind? Over the past week, I’ve noticed all the farm plots near us have been full of activity as the end of this season’s harvest is complete and planting has begun for next season. The local open-air market has...