Yoga Does Not Mean Physical Postures
Yoga does not mean physical postures (asana). It doesn’t mean sun salutations (surya namaskar), vinyasa flow, or savasana (corpse pose.) Advanced Yoga does not mean harder poses that require strength and bendy flexibility. Yet, this is how Yoga is portrayed in modern...
Surrendering – The Practice of Letting Go
How many times in your life have you found yourself fighting against what is happening, clinging to how you want things to stay or wishing things were different as a way to find control? For me, it’s way too many to count! This is what the last Niyama, ethical yogic...
Yoga Now: Reflections on a Yoga History Course – Part 2
Bhakti Yoga The module on Bhakti Yoga (the path of yoga focused on cultivation of devotion, faith and trust) focused on how women have traditionally accessed the path of Yoga. To me, it represents most succinctly why Traditional Yoga is a powerful path to...
Yoga Now: Reflections on a Yoga History Course, Part 1
I just completed a course with my teacher: “Yoga - Then to Now.” I wanted to share some of my reflections from this course. There were many thoughts I had from taking this course and I tried my best to keep thing succinct, splitting it up between three posts....
Take Back Your Power with Svadhaya
I have heard from a number of people about feeling more stressed about the political climate in the United States as the presidential race is heating up. So, I want to address this in terms of Svadhaya, the fourth Niyama (one of the ethical practices of Yoga from...
Meet the HEAT of life with the Yogic Practice of Self-Discipline – TAPAS
“It is in this barren place, where we have exhausted all that we have and all that we are, that new strength is shaped and character is born if we choose to fearlessly open ourselves to the experience. It is perhaps the greatest gift life could offer.” - Deborah...
Managing Feeling Uncertainty in Uncertain Times
The tension in my house went up last week with news of the plan for reopening schools will look like in this uncertain time. I know it’s on many people’s minds as it was a topic I kept hearing about in the community last week. How can we manage feeling uncertainty in...
Another Lesson From Nature
This weekend, I was enjoying backpacking and hiking in the mountains near where I live and as usual, I received another lesson from nature. We camped at a lower lake and then had planned a couple day hikes up the valley towards a series of other lakes. After setting...
Create a More Content Mind
Are you fully content with yourself and with your life? Chances are, you answered, ‘No.’ For some of us, the word content describes fleeting moments in our life, for others the experience of feeling content seems like something fairy tales are made of, and still for...
The reality of the change timeline
After two months of wearing masks, social distancing and hand washing, my partner shared with me, "even after two months, someone stuck their hand out to shake and it was like second nature to shake back." (Luckily there is soap and water to wash away to mistake)....