Take it From a Recovering Worrier
I think I was born into this world with a mind ready to worry. It's an emotion I've felt ever since I can remember and an action I've practiced forever. Despite this, pretty early on, I grew tired of this way of being. Around the third grade, I...
Are You Doing These Three Basics for Mental Well Being Right Now?
Change is always happening, right? Fear is such a normal part of change because change shakes the foundation of our comfort zones. If we go with the fear reaction, we might find ourselves feeling overwhelmed and scared, trying to find things outside of ourselves to...
3 practices of Brahmacharya
The sudden fear that spread globally like a giant wave, ending up with buying excessive amounts of toilet paper due to rumors of a shortage that started in Australia (from what I've read), is the perfect example why the principle of Brahmacharya is so...
What the heck really is meditation anyways?
Meditation, Mindfulness, Mindful Awareness are terms we see a lot in mainstream media. There's lots of research out there showing these things are good for our minds as well as for our overall health and well being. There are many apps out there now for guided...
Lessons from a Pandemic
Almost a month into COVID-19 escalating in my community, I am thankful to my daily yoga practice and the yogic path for self-transformation. This path has allowed my mind to be in a mindset to view this virus and its global reach as a time for self-reflection,...
Yoga and COVID-19
What does yoga have to do with COVID-19? Everything!That's the amazing thing about this 2000 year old path of continues to be valid and helpful today. Yoga is much more than just a physical practice, though the asanas (yoga...
The Reality of Transforming Myself
I recently went through a significant life change, moving from begin an employee since age 16 to fully self-employed. I'm not through the change yet, but it's been fascinating to watch things unfold, as well as get a glimpse of conditioned patterns I wasn't...
Stop Stealing from Yourself – Asteya
Asteya, one of the ethical practices of yoga called Yamas or constraints, is the practice of non-stealing. Now most of us grew up learning that stealing from others is not okay. We learned at a young age when a playmate or sibiling took a beloved toy, how...
SATYA (Truthfulness) – A Practice of Self-Love
When we hear the word "Love," many times we think about others. We have been conditioned to search outside of ourselves for love and that we aren't 'complete' unless we have an 'other.' Love is taught to be more of a feeling than a state of being. In America, most...
Desire to Change is a Form of Self-Aggression…?
I've been reading"The Five Invitations, Discovering What Death Can Teach Us About Fully Living," by Frank Ostaseski, which is a wonderful book and I highly recommend it. There have been so many wonderful morsels in this book that have stopped me in my tracks to...