Stretch Your Comfort Zone
As human beings, we are creatures of comfort. Routine and familiarity help us to feel more safe and secure, calming our nervous system. But if we just stay in our comfort zone, it’s hard to learn and grow. What makes life amazing is stretching our comfort zones to see...
Information Doesn’t Create Lasting Change
Look at your bookshelf. How many of those books have you read all the way through? Which ones made your heart and mind sing when you read them because they ‘spoke’ to you? How many of them do you actually remember the details of? Which ones have you taken concepts...
Lighten the Load in Uncertain Times
More, more, more! The more the better! What causes us to desire and want more? One thing is fear of uncertainty. Whether uncertain if your plans are going to work out, if a loved one will be okay, or what will happen during challenging times, it can be hard to find...
The Great Myth of Life
One of the great myths of life is what we’ve been told is ‘Truth.’ What I mean by this is that all of us are born into this world, into a family and social context. Each of us is taught how to be in this world according to the people and social environment that are in...
Deal With Anger to Find Peace
Anger is a powerful emotion. Many times it is the initial reaction to cover deeper emotions like hurt, betrayal, jealousy, envy, shame, guilt, etc. When left unchecked, anger easily leads to destructive behaviors. When explored, it can lead to constructive and...
Letting Go Is Yoga
Yoga is commonly translated as “union” in modern times. Did you know that there are actually 70 definitions of Yoga, not just one? In fact, in the text that most Yoga Teachers are introduced to in their teacher training, Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Yoga means dissolving...
Yoga For The Mind
Want to feel confident in meeting life situations with control and a sense of joy? It’s all about the perspective you take. It’s all about the mind. Traditional Yoga has provided me with the perspective changes that have transformed my mind, decreasing my emotional...
Emotions Are Not the Enemy
“Painful feelings are, by their very nature, temporary. They will weaken over time as long as we don’t prolong or amplify them through resistance or avoidance. The only way to eventually free ourselves from debilitating pain, therefore, is to be with it as it is. The...
Self-Control: Byproduct of Yoga
When I look around, there’s not much that separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom. It’s a fine line indeed. One of the character traits that creates that fine line is self-control. What I mean by that is internal awareness, focus, and discernment. These...
Why a Yoga Community Is Important
Traditionally, the knowledge of Yoga was passed down from teacher to student. Many times a teacher would have multiple students who would be gathered to hear a teaching together. This is called a Sangha. So, traditionally, a Yoga community is a an important ingredient...